Concrete Paving on Driveway

Why and How to Seal Concrete Driveway After Pressure Washing?

If you are a person who is concerned about the overall look of their home, then you must take care of your concrete driveway as well. As the concrete driveways are on the outside of the home, they can impact your home’s overall look to a great extent.

If your concrete driveway is organized and neat looking, then your house will look over all put together as well. If you want to keep your concrete driveway neat and clean, you should wash and Seal it in 3 to 4 years.

Importance Of Sealing

But the frequency of washing and sealing your country driveway with the pressure washer also depends upon the area you are residing in. If you reside in an area where there is a lot of traffic pollution, you need to get your concrete driveway sealed and washed every two years.

If you see the concrete, then the water will not get inside the smaller pores and cracks because these pores and cracks are the reason for getting crumbling and cracking walls and walkways.

If the concrete driveway in your home is filled, then dirt is less likely to get inside the concrete and set in the concrete. After you have pressure wash your concrete driveway, it is important to seal it afterward. It is as important as painting the walls of your house.

In this article, we will discuss why you should seal your concrete driveway after pressure washing. So keep on reading to find out more information below about concrete driveway sealing and pressure washing.

How To Seal The Concrete After Pressure Washing?

First Step
Firstly, you should let the concrete dry completely before you get started. It would help if you chose the sealing time when the sun is at its brightest during the daytime. This way, you will not have any trouble with the concrete, not drying. But make sure that the concrete does not dry way too quickly.

Because if it dries quickly, then it is going to leave behind marks and lines.

Second Step
Now, mix the bucket of sealer with the help of a wooden stick. To make sure that you get a tight fit, you can connect the paint roller’s handle with the handle extension by using tape.

Third Step
Make sure that you utilize the medium nap roller for this purpose because this way, the sealer will get evenly distributed on top of the concrete. With the help of a medium that provides, you will reach the hard to reach smaller pockets and pores on the concrete. As a result, you will attain perfection and smoothness.

Fourth Step
Make sure that you paint the corners of the can create with a thin layer of the sealer. You can remove the excess amount of sealer by scraping the brush hand bristles inside of the container.

Fifth Step
The next thing that you need to do is to put all the sealer into a paint sprayer.

After this, you can seal the required areas on your concrete driveway, and all the work will be done efficiently.

It is important to seal your concrete driveway after you have pressure washed it. So make sure that you do not skip this step.

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